Stormageddon cruised to an impressive win in Sunday’s $100,000 Esperance Cup.
Neale Harvey
Members of Narrogin’s Noongar community have called for action over concerns of disrespectful behaviour on the Kooraminning Reserve, including claims of illegal dumping.
Hannah Whitehead
Kojonup will be out to win their first finals game since rejoining the Great Southern Cricket Association when the 2024-25 finals begin on Saturday.
Cameron Newbold
Talented apprentice jockey Rosie Mahony has made a successful return to the saddle, riding two winners at Narrogin on Monday after a long layoff with a serious shoulder injury.
Jacki Elezovich
As a former grants assessor, I regularly encountered pivotal mistakes in applications that kept organisations from securing funding. Here are my expert tips for a successful grant application.
Tara Whitney
A Wheatbelt town councillor has resigned from her position over alleged online abuse that has come to a head in recent months over the demolition of an historic railway station.
Lake Grace notched their second win to finish the season on a high while Wandering and Williams will take winning momentum into the finals in the Upper Great Southern Cricket Association A-grade competition.
Western Power is still probing the cause of the devastating Arthur River bushfire nearly six weeks after farmers first speculated the blaze was sparked by a broken powerline.
Cally Dupe
Kulin farmers were the shining light of a disappointing cropping year in 2023-24, with new figures showing the region achieved the highest total grain production in Australia.
A bushfire burning between Great Southern Highway and Youraling Road in the Shire of Brookton has been contained and is under control.
WA’s own Boekeman Machinery has been named one of the best CASE IH dealers in the country after “raising the bar” with exceptional customer service and long-lasting relationships.
Find out what matters most to the people vying for Roe’s seat in the Lower House with this six-part series.
Eliza Kavanagh
WA Labor’s candidate for Roe answers our questions in his own words — find out what matters most to the people vying for Roe’s seat in the lower house with this six-part series.
Brad Willis, WA Labor
Australian Christians’ candidate for Roe answers our questions in her own words — find out what matters most to the people vying for Roe’s seat in the Lower House with this six-part series.
Diana Reymond, Australian Christians
The Liberal party’s candidate for Roe answers our questions in her own words — find out what matters most to the people vying for Roe’s seat in the Lower House with this five-part series.
Marie O’Dea, Liberal Party
The Greens’ candidate for Roe answers our questions in his own words — find out what matters most to the people vying for Roe’s seat in the lower house with this six-part series.
David John Worth, Greens
The Nationals’ candidate for Roe and the incumbent answers our questions in his own words — find out what matters most to the people vying for Roe’s seat in the Lower House with this six-part series.
Peter Rundle, The Nationals
One Nation’s candidate for Roe answers our questions in his own words — find out what matters most to the people vying for Roe’s seat in the lower house with this six-part series.
Ethann Sinclair, One Nation
West Coast edged out North Melbourne in blustery Bunbury conditions. Here are the five Eagles who stood out in their thrilling two- point win.
Josh Kempton
WA Labor have promised to grant thousands in funding towards the Wagin Youth Centre building upgrades if elected at the State election
Regional racing across the State has received a major boost with WA Labor and WA Nationals both committing $25 million in funding under election promises.
After intense pressure from regional racing clubs, Labor has matched the Nationals’ $25 million commitment.
Jake Dietsch
The alleged offences occurred during the January school holidays and in the metropolitan area.
Wagin sheep king Clayton South will now serve as a key conduit grain growers after being named chair of CBH Group’s Growers’ Advisory Council.