WoolPoll panel selected

The West Australian

Bindi Murray from WAFarmers is among the independent panel members for WoolPoll 2015.

Held every three years, WoolPoll allows Australia's woolgrowers to directly determine the amount of wool levy they pay for the next three-year period to fund wool research, development and marketing activities by Australian Wool Innovation.

Federal Government regulations that govern the poll require AWI to consult the WoolPoll Panel in the process of conducting the poll.

As an independent panel of industry representatives, the WoolPoll Panel will work with AWI to endorse the voting documentation and processes, ensuring transparency and integrity throughout.

The panel also plays a critical role in maximising voter participation.


AWI has appointed Queensland woolgrower Will Roberts as chairman of the 2015 WoolPoll Panel.

All national woolgrower and State farm representative groups have nominated a representative.

"In 2012 the panel was successful in achieving the highest number of grower votes at the poll and we hope to again increase the voter participation at WoolPoll 2015," Mr Roberts said.

"Following advice from the 2012 panel, we asked grower groups to nominate growers from a broader cross-section of the industry to increase the diversity. "From this group we have selected seven individuals who represent a wide range of woolgrower interests."

The 2015 panel members are:

·Will Roberts - Chairman (Qld).

·Georgina Wallace - Australian Association of Stud Merino Breeders (Tas).

·Richard Halliday - WoolProducers Australia (SA).

·Bindi Murray - WAFarmers (WA).

·Adele Offley - NSW Farmers Association (NSW).

·Ian Feldtmann - Victorian Farmers Federation (Vic).

·Robert Ingram - Australian Wool Growers Association (NSW).

·Syd Lawrie - Livestock SA (SA).

·Fran Freeman - Federal Department of Agriculture.

·Dr Meredith Sheil - AWI Board (NSW).


·An independent Review of Performance will be published on the AWI website in August; a summary will be sent to eligible levy payers with their Voter Information Memorandum and ballot paper.

·In September, woolgrowers will be provided with a Voter Information Memorandum, which will outline information about WoolPoll and how AWI proposes to invest the levy funds at each levy rate option.

·Voting will take place over a six-week period between 14 September and 30 October this year.

·The results of WoolPoll will be announced at the AWI Annual General Meeting on November 20, and take effect from July 1, 2016.

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