WA Premier Roger Cook declined to say if he was concerned about a threat from the Greens

Jake DietschThe West Australian
Camera IconDecorated former ABC journalist Sophie McNeill has nominated for Greens preselection. Credit: Mick Tsikas /AAPIMAGE

Roger Cook has refused to weigh in on a threat from the Greens — who could seize the balance of power next year — to block legislation and halt new gas projects.

The WA Greens on Tuesday revealed Dr Brad Pettitt, the party’s sole incumbent, remained on top of its Legislative Council ticket, followed by decorated former ABC journalist Sophie McNeill, Tim Clifford, environmental campaigner Jess Beckerling, Diane Evers and Clint Uink.

Mr Clifford and Ms Evers are both former MLCs who lost their seats in the 2021 McGowan landslide, with Mr Clifford almost guaranteed a comeback and Ms Evers’ future more line-ball.

After changes to the Legislative Council rammed through by the McGowan Government after its 2021 win, parties will secure one out of 37 seats for every 2.7 per cent of the vote — meaning the Greens are expected to win four or five seats in the upper chamber.

Ms McNeill, after winning preselection to a sure-fire spot on the ticket, blasted the Cook Government for approving fossil fuel developments and for having “done nothing” with its “huge mandate”.


The Premier — who has defended rising emissions in the short term in WA as crucial to the world’s energy transition — declined to say if he was concerned about how the WA Greens would wield their power.

“We’re very focused on one thing, and that is a conversation with the people of Western Australia to provide great Government to them and to make sure that we can secure their support and the next election,” Mr Cook said.

“What the Greens do is up to the Greens.

“We take nothing for granted. This is going to be a tough election. There’s going to be a lot of issues. There’s going to be a lot of people running for office.”

Mr Cook said voters would be most concerned about the cost of living, energy prices, housing and the quality of hospitals.

There are currently seven eligible political parties that can contest the 2025 State election, but other minor parties such as One Nation — which recently saw ousted Labor MLC Ben Dawkins join — and Nurses and Midwives WA, backed by the union, have registration applications pending.

WA Labor holds an unprecedent majority in the Legislative Council, but is all but certain to lose it next year and could be reduced to between 12 and 15 seats — down from the 22 it won at the last election.

The West understands Agriculture Minister Jackie Jarvis will lead the Government’s upper house ticket under a deal that sees the minister’s United Worker’s Union secure the first and fifth slot.

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