Students have designs on prize


WA secondary school students are eligible to compete for a cash prize of $2500 in the national 2012 Wool4Skool competition.

As part of the curriculum learning outcomes in every State, years 9 and 10 Design and Technology - Textile students who submit an entry will take part in a real-life design experience using Merino wool fabrics.

The theme of Modern Australia has been chosen to allow students plenty of freedom to express their ideas.

Inspiration can be whatever Modern Australia means to them - music, sport, school, family, the beach, the country, urban life - their choice is as wide as their Australia.

Video introductions to the competition at show both teachers and students what the project involves.


Students submit sketches of their designs and a written statement of the inspiration, textiles and innovation used in their creation.

The project has been designed across an eight-lesson plan for teachers to easily implement in the classroom.

With entries not closing until July, students have plenty of time to gain inspiration and understanding of wool, while teachers have plenty of time to implement the project.

The winning entry will be made into a garment by Jonathan Ward, one of Australia's top fashion designers, and the garment will be featured in a fashion shoot for Girlfriend magazine.

The competition also recognises the critical role teachers play in inspiring and developing the skills and interests of budding designers.

Wool4Skool 2012 will provide a cash prize of $2500 to the teacher who best incorporates Wool4Skool into their day-to-day class activity.

All participating schools will receive a fabric pack of wool textiles and technical information to learn about innovations in modern knitted and woven wool fabrics.

All students who complete an entry will be recognised with a certificate.

Woolgrowers who would like to promote Wool4Skool in their local school or area should contact Australian Wool Innovation or their state farming organisation or woolgrower network for promotional posters and flyers.

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