$10,000 top at Hillcroft sale

Bob GarnantThe West Australian
Camera IconWith the $4500 record top-priced UltraWhite ram, were Hiilcroft Farms stud principal Dawson Bradford, of Popanyinning, Landmark auctioneer Neil Brindley, and Landmark stud stock manager Leon Giglia. Credit: The West Australian

The final Hillcroft Farms Poll Dorset ram sale, held at Popanyinning last week, began with a stud ram reaching the annual sale's record price of $10,000.

The ram was bought by the Meat Elite Australia syndicate (17 studs) which also bought the $31,000 Hillcroft Farms Poll Dorset ram the week earlier at the IGA Perth Royal Show stud ram sale.

MEA spokesman Steve Funke, of Bundara Downs stud, South Australia, said the group selected the rams based on their impressive estimated breeding values and eating-quality traits.

The group backed up its show ram with HF 756/13 (lot 2) which boosted a BWWT of 0.36, PWWT of 16.9, WWT of 10.0, PFAT of 0.22, PEMD of 3.56 and a Carcase Plus Index of 222.29.

Before the sale, Hillcroft Farms studmaster Dawson Bradford said it was a great occasion celebrated by the attendance of representatives from the top two registered Poll Dorset studs in Australia.


The calling of bids was conducted by Landmark auctioneer Neil Brindley, who did so at the first Hillcroft Farms sale 35 years ago.

Hugh Warden, who instigated the first sale, opened the last sale and spoke in high regard of Mr Dawson's significant contribution to the sheep industry.

"Mr Bradford's portrait now hangs in the Agriculture Hall of Fame at the RAS showground," he said.

Overall the sale was a complete success, achieving three record average price results - $3361 for nine of the 10 stud PD rams sold on the rail, $1144 for PD flock rams and $1654 for 69 UltraWhite rams.

The $4500 second-top-priced PD stud ram sold to Steve Roks, of Diamond Creek stud, Victoria, through Landmark agent Roy Addis.

Also buying the top PD stud rams was account TA Stanton & Sons, of Kingston, South Australia, which secured a $3750 ram, and account Bohemia Springs Pastoral, of Esperance, paid $3500 for a ram.

Collyn Garnett, of Curlew Creek Poll Dorset stud, Gnowangerup, bought a $1500 stud ram.

Mr Garnett bought half the Hillcroft Farms' stud ewes earlier in the year.

Several repeat volume buyers were operating off the flock rams to cap off the last of the Poll Dorset offerings for the stud.

In the UltraWhite catalogue, prices reached $4500 for a composite ram.

New buyer Brendon Duncan, of Glen Park White Dorper stud, Wentworth, South Australia, bought the sale topper and another ram for $2200, sight unseen, through Landmark agent Leon Giglia.

The UltraWhite sale topper recorded a WWT of 5.74, PFAT of 0.36 and a Carcase+Index of 150.73.

Return buyer Brian Bowey, of Kulin, said he bought nine rams to put over 3000 Dorper ewes.

"I want to put bigger frames and quicker growth into my prime lamb production," he said.

Mr Bowey said after using UltraWhite rams a few years, he found the progeny were bigger in size.

Hillcroft Farms Ram Sale * Breed Offered Sold Top Price Average Poll Dorset stud rams 10 9 $10,000 $3361 Poll Dorset flock 179 158 $3700 $1144 UltraWhite rams 70 69 $4500 $1654

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