Returning champions reclaim Harvey Harvest Festival’s WA Grape Stomping Championship title

With the return of the Harvey Harvest Festival came the return of the crowd favourite WA Grape Stomping Championships.
This year juniors, seniors, local celebrities and returning champions competed to be the best, squishing grapes to a pulp to the cheers of a massive crowd.
Returning Harvey Harvest Festival champions Nick Blunt and Yana Guretti reclaimed their championship title in the open division, where they competed against the teams of Akka Payne and Amelia Letto, and Charl Brink and Alice De Vitlry.
The winning pair managed to squash a massive amount of grapes over the two-minute event, producing 12.66kg of juice for their efforts and soaking those sitting too close to the stage.

In the seniors division of schoolchildren in grades 7 to 12, Brayden Zapia and John Gorey won the competition turning a mountain of grapes into 2.77kg of juice.
The pair competed against Pippa Olde and Anita Gualtieri who came in second and Sage Ward and Georgie Smit, who came third.
The juniors division saw Sanni Vass and Indi Haundd winning their competition squashing 3.05kg of juice out of their grapes with Yumi Newton and Abbie Miles coming second and Marli and Miller Blechynden coming in third.
An addition to the event was the “celebrities” event where local legends competed against each other, with Harvest Festival ambassador Vince Garreffa leading the event.
Lesley Ugle and Brad Vitale competed as a team against the musical talent Sophia and Lousia Tomas and a final team made up of Harvey’s David Marshall and Back Roads presenter Lisa Millar, who won the competition.

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