Nats want Cabinet to alter little

Gareth Parker State Political EditorThe West Australian

Nationals leader Terry Redman would hand his portfolios to his new deputy, Mia Davies, and take on former leader Brendon Grylls' portfolios under a "minimal change" scenario Mr Redman has put to Colin Barnett who will soon reshuffle his Cabinet.

_The West Australian _understands Mr Redman's preference is to take on Regional Development and Lands and hand his existing portfolios of Water, Forestry and Training to Ms Davies, who will be promoted to Cabinet once Mr Grylls stands down from the ministry some time in the next two weeks.

The Nationals do not appear inclined to try to wrest back the Agriculture portfolio from incumbent minister Ken Baston, who became the first Liberal to hold the ministry for decades when the Premier reshuffled the ministry after the March election.

A $500 million agriculture policy, to be funded by Royalties for Regions, was the centrepiece of the Nationals' election campaign but it was largely incorporated in the State Budget in August.

Mr Barnett has said previously he favours minimal changes to the ministry. "Changes to the ministry are being finalised and will be announced in due course," he said yesterday.

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