Ducks go from pot to prize

Rebecca TriggerThe West Australian

Ducks were introduced to Cedric Martin's life as dinner during the Depression.

His father, who had only two weeks work out of six, raised poultry to ensure his family could eat meat during the lean years of the early 1930s.

But this tough introduction blossomed later to a far friendlier relationship.

Mr Martin, 91, has spent more than 60 years winning awards for his prize poultry and could not imagine eating any of his champions.

His birds, raised on scraps and a special mash from a Mundijong farmer, will have their feathers carefully cleaned and combs oiled with Vaseline before being presented at the Perth Royal Show.


Despite the countless awards, the Byford great-grandfather had not won the award for prize duck until last year.

White purebred Muscovy ducks are mostly used as Show animals.

But Mr Martin heard of an all-black Muscovy owned by a woman at the Show, and she gave it to him as a gift.

"Charlie" went on to sweep the pool, winning the award for champion Muscovy and the overall award for large waterfowl.

Hundreds of birds will be entered in more than 600 classes at this year's Show.

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