Women's network calls for nominees


Women from across the State who want to make a difference in their community are being encouraged to put themselves forward to be part of an influential reference group.

Members of the Rural Remote and Regional (RRR) Women's Network of Western Australia reference group will be appointed for a three-year term from the beginning of next year.

The network was established in 1996, to bring together women from rural and remote areas of WA to recognise, promote and expand the contribution they make to their communities.

Regional Development and Lands Minister Brendon Grylls said the group comprised women from many backgrounds, skills, geographical areas and industry sectors.

"The diversity is vital to ensure the RRR Network is in touch with developments across WA regional communities," he said.


"Reference group members meet an extended network of people from around the State, promote regional initiatives and events, highlight current issues in their communities and provide strategic direction."

The reference group meets twice a year in Perth to review activities and to develop future strategies for the RRR Network.

Additional web-based meetings are also held during the year.

The network connects members with its quarterly Network News magazine, monthly e-newsletter and social media.

Nomination forms for the RRR Network reference group can be accessed from its website at www.rrr.wa.gov.au .

Nominations close Monday, September 30.

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