Nominations sought for rural women award

The West Australian

Women are being encouraged to nominate for the 2014 Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation's Rural Women's Awards.

Agricultural and Food Minister Ken Baston said the highly respected awards recognised women playing leading roles in primary industries and natural resource management across regional Western Australia.

The Minister said in addition, the awards provided winners with grants to continue with their work.

"The Rural Women's Award recognises the vital contribution women make to this State as advocates for rural industries and communities," he said.

"The WA winner of the 2014 award will receive a $10,000 bursary to help develop their vision or project. This can help in many ways, including formal training in leadership and business management, overseas study, business plans and pilot programs.


"An Australian Institute of Company Directors-based leadership program will also be offered to the State winner and runner-up so they can build on their management and business skills.

Mr Baston said the runner-up would receive a $5,000 grant and, for the first time, all finalists in the 2014 awards will also receive a $2000 bursary from the Department of Agriculture and Food WA.

"WA has a strong record in the national awards too, with both the 2010 and 2011 State award recipients going on to win the national prize," the Minister said.

Applications close on October 31, 2013. For nomination forms and further information, visit or contact Christine Thompson on 9368 3650 or 0427 986 351.

The WA RIRDC Rural Women's Awards are supported by DAFWA, CBH Group and Westpac.

The 2013 WA winner Danielle England is in the running for the national title in October.

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