Model citizens light up catwalk

Kendall O'ConnorCountryman

The Newdegate Machinery Field Days provided avenues for the community to volunteer and contribute to the huge event.

Newdegate resident Holly McDonald found way one to contribute by hitting the catwalk for the fashion parade held in the family interest pavilion.

Ms McDonald works full-time at CBH in Corrigin and volunteered her time at the event to help her mother with the fashion parade.

"I really enjoy it, it's different from the normal work I do in Newdegate," she said. "When you first walk up onto the catwalk it's a little horrifying but then you see you friends and family in the crowd it makes it a lot more fun."

The fashion parade exhibited award-winning designer brands and gave the audience ideas of which styles to look out for as the months warm up.

When it came to fashion parades, Ms McDonald said she viewed them as a hobby and said she wished to stay in the country. "I'm a country girl born and bred," she said.

"I always feel safe out here and it's so welcoming.

"I wouldn't give it up for anything."

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