Restocker demand at Muchea


At Monday’s cattle sale at Muchea, the total yarding increased by 441 head to 2626 cattle, which included 874 calves in the appraisal sale.

There was a large yarding of pastoral cattle included with cows the largest class to be sold. Competition from eastern states feeders and restockers was very good with most local processor representatives present at the sale.

Heavy weight trade cattle remain in short supply with the few included in the yarding receiving good competition. Trade yearling steers lacked weight and quality to be slightly cheaper; however, trade yearling heifers had an improvement to receive better prices. Grown steer prices ranged from 118c/kg to 139c/kg to average 133.1c/kg; while grown heifer prices ranged from 90c/kg to 155c/kg to average 109.1c/kg.

The vealer portion of the yarding had an increase in demand with good competition recorded for all grades to achieve dearer prices. Vealer steer prices ranged from 160c/kg to 215c/kg to average 200.1c/kg; while vealer heifer prices ranged from 150c/kg to 213c/kg to average 191.3c/kg.

There was a large yarding of locally bred heavy weight 3 and 4 score cows which eased competition for this grade. A large yarding of pastoral cows less than 400kg also made prices for boner grades fall. Overall cow prices ranged from a low of 47c/kg to a top of 110c/kg to average 90.1c/kg.


Bull prices recorded a low of 60c/kg and a top of 175c/kg across all weight ranges to average 100.1c/kg. The heavy weight bull yarding lacked weight and quality to record cheaper prices. There was an increase in the number of pastoral bulls yarded which also saw prices ease.

On Tuesday a total of 11,645 sheep and lambs were yarded at Muchea. The sale was well attended by vendors, yet there were a few majority lamb processors absent from the sale. Crossbred lamb supplies accounted for the majority of the yarding.

Due to the increase in supply prices were slightly cheaper for heavy and trade weight crossbred lambs.

Larger framed and small crossbred lamb however remained in high demand, with good restocker and feeder competition from local and interstate buyers.

Overall lamb prices ranged from a low of $50/head to a high of $108/head to average $75.39/head, down $4.96 on last weeks average.

There was more weight and quality included in the young wether yarding, with good live export interest recorded for finished drafts.

This also improved prices for store wethers. Wether prices ranged from $84.50 to $95/head to average $89.17/head, up $8.15/head on the previous week.

Young rams to feeders and live exporters recorded very little change with overall ram prices down $10.32/head on last weeks average ranging from $55 to $65/head to average $59.90/head.

There was a large yarding of ewe mutton accounting for 4897 head of the total. Ewe prices ranged from a low of $30/head to a high of $112.50 to average $76.39, up $6 on last week.

Heavy and trade weight mutton was in high demand from processors to achieve dearer prices and light weight mutton continued to attract good competition to finish slightly dearer.

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