Profits king for new grain R&D panel chair

Mingenew’s Darrin Lee is the new chairman of the Grains Research and Development Corporation’s Western Region Panel.
Mr Lee has a background in banking and finance and runs a mixed cropping and livestock operation north-east of Mingenew.
GRDC board chairman John Woods said Mr Lee, who has been on the panel since 2014, was passionate about driving increased profitability for grain growers.
“He engages well with growers, advisers, researchers and other grains industry personnel,” Mr Woods said.
The GRDC has three regional panels made up of grain growers, agribusiness practitioners, scientists and GRDC managers. The panels provide a link between the GRDC board and the hands-on grain industry in each region.
The appointment came as dozens of farmers have turned out to a series of industry meetings held by the GRDC.
The corporation’s open forums kicked off in Cranbrook on July 16 and will finish in Yetna on August 23. GRDC western grower relations manager Jo Wheeler said the organisation wanted to make sure investments were meeting grower and industry needs. Forums have so far been held across the southern grain belt at Cranbrook, Jerramungup, Kukerin, Dunn Rock, Munglinup and Condingup.
Growers will next gather at Goomalling on July 31 before the August sessions kick off at Brookton and Kondinin on August 1.
The final forums will be held at Bruce Rock on August 6, Westonia on August 7, Bencubbin on August 7, Eneabba on August 22, Morawa on August 23 and Yetna on August 23. Visit
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